On our way to accumulating over 3000 license plates in the GAP inventory, one of our first acquisitions was a 1931 license plate we won on eBay, amazingly with the number “1931.” As we have a 1931 Model T Ford pick-up truck and a business apartment in Chicago, we thought it was pretty cool… but soon after we had it restored and hung on our garage “Wall of Fame,” Dave French of Norcross, GA contacted us and wanted to buy it for Chuck, one of his brothers who also was a Model A aficionado who lived in Hernando, MS and owns a 1931 Ford Deluxe Phaeton… So what could we say? He became the very first GAP customer… and as we all have assumed by now, the world has continued to get a lot smaller – turns out Dave served on one of the Boy Scout Councils with a long-time friend and business associate of ours… and Dave, we owe it all to you!!!