Sometime ago we were emailed by a gentleman from Greenwood, SC…said he had found our site and wondered if we would be interested in his ‘collection’ of late 1930’s SC license plates…turns out, as seen in the accompanying pictures, that his dad had accummulated the plates ‘back then’ and used them for ‘shingles’ on two farmyard buildings…about 1,100 of them, but who’s counting!…we immediately headed to SC, met Dave and his brother, Bub, and got a brief tour of their 140 acre family farm…then we began removing license plates!…it took a full day, and I swear during the day we thought we might have heard Dave’s deceased father laughing at us…or maybe it was just the farm’s squeeky windmill blades turning in the wind?!…clearly Dave’s father was a ‘scrounger’, knowing at some point that those ‘old license plates’ could be put to good use…as so often is the case, the people and their stories behind the ‘tin’ are so incredibly enriching and enjoyable…on the long over-night drive home, nursing my bruised thumb, my spider bites and wasp stings, and my aching back, with my water cooler, tools, and 1,100 license plates all rattling around in my car, I knew Dave’s dad would be happy that his treasures were on the road again!